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Laundry in wintertime, Rotterdam, 2022


[top] Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), Arnhem, 2020
[left] Portrait of Audrey Large, Rotterdam, 2022


Cyclamen in een pot, Rotterdam, 2023


Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) rhizome, dry stems
and shoots, Amsterdam, 2024

Portrait of Ficht Hämmerli, Aarau, 2014


Self-portrait in Jerusalem, 2012. From the series How long is this state gonna last?


Faggots. Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) dry stems, variable dimensions, 2020. From the ongoing research The dog chased its tail to bite it off


Parasitic plant: Greater dodder / European dodder (Cuscuta europaea / حامول أوروبيّ أو كشّوث روميّ) between a field of common nettle / stinging nettle / stinger (Urtica dioica / قرّاص كبير أو قرّيص) in Maastricht, 2020


Incomplete apartheid wall in Jerusalem, 2010


False African violet (Streptocarpus saxorum) in autumn blossom, Ghent, 2022


Field of wild carrots / bird's nest / bishop's lace / Queen Anne's lace (Daucus carota / جزر برّي أو جزر شائِع) in Schiedam, 2020


Butterbur / coltsfoots (Petasites / قبعيّة), Rotterdam, 2020

Lower Austria (Niederösterreich), 2019

Bigger than you and me together: self-portrait with Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum / عشبة الخنزير العملاقة) aka Stalin's revenge! Photo credit: Marcel Geerdink2020

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Pages 78-79 from derek jarmen's garden with photographs by howard sooley, Rotterdam, 2020 


Rainbow in Dresden, 2021

Sunset at the border: between the Netherlands and Belgium, 2020 (1).gif

Portrait of Ulufer Çelik dancing with Brazilian giant-rhubarb (Gunnera manicata) in Rotterdam, 2020


Cotton thistle, Scotch or Scottish thistle (Onopordum acanthium / رأس الشيخ الشوكي أو فصّ الحمار), Dresden, 2021


Blue in Nazareth, 2015


Tea of heaven / mountain hydrangea (hydrangea serrata / hortensia), The Hague, 2017


Window view, Tyreh (Ramallah), 2013


A horse chained to a conifer tree in Ramallah, 2015


Rural landscape in Bethlehem, 2014. From the video/photo essay Wild Plants of Palestine


A rabbit between Summer lilac / Butterfly-bush (Buddleja davidii) shrubs on the portico of an abandoned building / old factory in Biella, 2018


Common wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) in Vienna, 2019


Bugle / Bugleherb / Bugleweed / Blue bugle / Common bugle / Carpetweed / Carpet bugleweed / St. Lawrence plant (Ajuga reptans), Vienna, 2019


Omar's camel, Jerusalem, 2010


Bramble (Rubus), Vienna, 2019


Summer pears, Rotterdam, 2020

Untitled, Birzeit, 2011


Self-portrait with Gunnera manicata (Brazilian giant-rhubarb) in Rotterdam, 2019. From The dog chased its tail to bite it off. Photo credit: Ulufer Çelik 

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Self-portrait with Jerlyn Heinzen in Milan, 2015.
Photo credit: Camil Hämmerli


Self-portrait with faggots of Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica), Schloss Laudon Vienna, 2019. From the The dog chased its tail to bite it off. Photo credit: Carla Cabanas


New year's eve in Nazareth, 2010


Beard in 8x10 film camera, 2011


Aziza, from Stuttering Gestures, Athens, 2022

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The Last supper, Birzeit, 2012. From The Last Supper


Geranium robertianum aka Herb robert, Rotterdam, 2022


Allah appeared in Nazareth and died in Jerusalem, then appeared again in Nazareth and is waiting to be killed – once again – in Jerusalem. Allah in Nazareth, 2021

Do tigers or moths leave any trace?
Levantine garden tiger moth (Cymbalophora oertzeni  / عث منمّر), Nazareth 2021


Aare river, Aarau, 2014


Evening ennui with mum on a rainy sunday in Nazareth, 2015


Biblical landscape in the Lower Galilee, 2015


Chasing pheasants in Rotterdam, 2020


Wild flowers of Rotterdam, Inkjet print on Hahnemüle Museum Etching paper, 350 gsm, 100% cotton, natural white, 80 x 120cm x 3, Wild Summer of Art, Brutus, Rotterdam, 2022


Jumping hound, Rotterdam, 2020


Two white egrets (top) and one grey heron (bottom) and its reflection, Rotterdam, 2020


Wild Dutch summer in Overschie, Rotterdam, 2022


Crescent moon in Ghent, or late summer night, 2022


into the colours of the spectrum of the rainbow of the rain of the crystals of the blues
The great mullein, or greater mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Essenburgpark, Rotterdam, 2021

المؤمن واللآلئ (قصّة قصيرة)

ملآى اللآلئ تتلألأ في إناءٍ تملؤه حبّات ملح خشنة تشعّ مثل مصابيح ضوئيّة صغيرة تشبه شريط الأضواء الذي نزيّن به شجرة عيد الميلاد. أخذت حبّات اللؤلؤ هذه، أو إن شئت حبّات الملح، تتضاءل كلّما سألتُ إنسانًا مؤمنًا أن يقرأ لي ما كُتب في تلك الرسائل الموضوعة تحت رفّ الكؤوس المملوءة بشراب الإكس-إل والموجودة في المطبخ. كان عدد الكؤوس مئةً أو مئتين، لا أذكر بالتحديد، لكنّني أخذت بالتثاؤب عندما بدأ المؤمن بالقراءة، على الرغم من محاولات عدّة في مقاومة النّعاس، لكنّ الأخير تغلّب عليّ وتحوّل كلّ ضوءٍ منعكس من حبّات اللؤلؤ إلى ضوئين، وأحسست بجسدي يتقلّص في العباءة التي غطّتني مثل تضاؤل حبّات اللؤلؤ، وتساءلت إن كان المؤمن يرى عبائتي كعبائتين مثلما رأيتُ أنا الضوء ضوئين، ولا أدري لماذا إشمأزّت نفسي لمجرّد التفكير في هذه المسألة، وأحسستُ بعبء الأضواء التي ملأت المكان، لكن على الرغم من كلّ ذلك إستطعتُ أن أنام بهدوءٍ تامّ.


sette mari, Apulia, 2015


Ascending to Jerusalem, 2011

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Late summer in Palestine, 2016


Early morning crescent in Rotterdam, 2023


Qasr al-Mutran, built in 1862 by a Russian Duchess called Maria Kislivia, Nazareth, 2011


Winter in Ramallah, 2016


Marcel and Medusa, early spring in Rotterdam, 2023

Winter in Rotterdam, 2023


Loquat tree in London (aka Japanese or Chinese plum / أكي دنيا), 2023


Chasing pheasants in Delft, 2024

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